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Shake it up and try new routines!

So many of us dial into Zoom or Teams each day to connect with colleagues or are on our laptops and phones while in a conference room looking at a third, larger screen. We are all busy and inundated with emails, Slacks and a myriad of notifications. Slowing down to be human, build rapport and trust with your team at the start of a meeting or call can be the difference maker in your staff being energized, aligned with the mission and more highly collaborative team members.

A quick and easy way to reinforce a sense of belonging and connection while strengthening relationships is to get into the habit of working in short ice breakers at the start of meetings. Even 5min at the top where everyone can just be human before digging into the agenda goes a long way.

Try something new with one of these ice breakers; have a hybrid or completely virtual team? These translate to any setting!

1. Your Week in a Word

If you could describe your week in one word, what would it be? A quick way to get a temp check on how everyone is doing and avoid awkward pre-meeting silence.

2. Bucket List

What is a bucket list destination you would like to travel to one day?

3. Emoji Check-In

Simple roundtable team check-in, everyone puts an emoji into the chat that best describes them in the moment. A good conversation starter, you might be surprised what people come up with.

4. Color your Week

If you could describe your last week in a color, what would it be and why? This gives everyone a chance to speak and you might be surprised what you learn about your team members through their answers!

5. Snap a Photo

Have team members volunteer to snap a photo of one of their “co-workers”, upload it into the chat and introduce to the group.  It could be their kiddo, cat, dog, view out the window, morning coffee or a house plant.  It can be straight forward or abstract, but it will get conversation going.

We are all charting a new path and learning as we go.  With an open mind, empathy and a good dose of humor, together we can emerge with even stronger connections.

Giving everyone in the meeting a chance to share and speak ahead of delving into project talk can help cultivate more engaged discussion with input from more team members. These short interactions can go a long way in helping staff feel included, seen and valued.

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